If you're a coach, consultant, agency owner, or freelancer...

Create client demand for your service, product, and brand.

Explode your business growth with these 5 Core Consulting Components.

A free workshop to become the specialist that clients want to work with and are willing to pay more for.


Hey people,

Rory Silva here and I want to invite you to a free and exclusive workshop that I hold for consultants, coaches, agency owners and freelancers.


You see, when I hop on strategy calls, I’ve noticed that many of the owners that I speak to are struggling with the same core components that are vital to every business.

Don’t get me wrong, most people that I get to speak with are smart.

They have one or two of these components built out but they are still struggling to grow their business.


The thing is these core components are like the components of a jet engine.

If just one of them is not optimized or dialed in correctly then you are going to have to work ridiculously hard just to get your business off the runway never mind defy gravity and take off.


These core components that you are about to learn are the same topics and the same exact content that I share with my VIP clients during our first few one-on-one sessions.

In this workshop I break down step-by-step what most successful consultants and freelancers do to turn total strangers into happy paying clients that appreciate what you’ve done for their business.


Most of you are using your experience and your education to do this but this course is set up in a way that you don’t need a college degree and you don’t even need years of experience before you start.

This course is going to show you the core components that you will need to start from scratch in order to grow out a successful business.


This workshop is for those that don’t know anything about running a business and want to start from scratch, get a business going, and start earning money very quickly.

It’s also for those that already have an existing business.

It’s going to show you how to systemize your sales and marketing processes, how to make things predictable, and how to scale your business without any glitches.

So if you are either of those two you will get a lot of value with what I’m about to share with you here.


Picking a niche and creating an avatar the right way:

Most people run their businesses like generalists.

They don’t turn down any opportunity and try to do everything for everyone.

This is a huge mistake.

It’s hard to be the best at multiple things however it’s surprisingly easy to become the best at something specific

We're going to do the opposite. We're going to specialize.


☑️ Specialists make more money and work less hours

☑️ Your marketing is more powerful

☑️ Your conversations are more meaningful

☑️ You know exactly who you should be marketing to

I'm going to show you how to pick your niche.

I'm going to explain what a niche is and the process I use to find one.

Crafting an irresistible offer that provides tremendous value to people:

I tell people over and over that your price is only an issue in the absence of value.

We are going to learn how to create a high-ticket offer that will sell itself and will have people asking if they can pay you to help them.

☑️ Crafting your offer and bringing it all together

☑️ Pricing your offer on value

☑️ Why we sell it before we build it

☑️ What people in the marketplace truly care about

☑️ Why your offer is a crucial part of your business


Organic Marketing: How to find your clients, speak to your clients, get them on the phone and get them into your program...making thousands and thousands of dollars per month without spending a dime on ads.

Organic marketing methods are free or close to free methods which I use to generate appointments and generate strategy sessions for my business.

☑️ How I get clients quickly and for free

☑️ My Daily Routine

☑️ From DM to Strategy Call

☑️ Tools I use

Sales: I will teach you how to take someone from a complete stranger who's never heard of you before, to a paying client.

It doesn't matter if you know nothing about sales, you have no previous sales experience, you're an introvert or you're awkward talking to people.

☑️ Science behind sales

☑️ Things that work that they are not teaching

☑️ A sales call framework (no memorizing, no reading)

☑️ Handling objections


I spent a long time putting this course together. I have no doubts that after you go through it all you will gain clarity as to what you need to do to lay down the core components and start growing your business.

It's now in your hands

You can choose to continue doing what you're doing. Keep burning time. Keep banging your head against the wall...

or, would you like to be able to predictably get all the ideal clients you need?